Monday, January 27, 2014

Tempo: Not Just for Training

I spent the train ride home from New York to Baltimore reflecting on how great the National Retail Federation (NRF) Big Show 2014 had been.  Attendance was strong, energy levels were high and retailers from around the world were focused on identifying solutions that would allow them to reduce costs, increase sales and improve the customer experience. 

The key takeaway for me was that retailers are focused on a differentiated  customer experience that not only meets, but exceeds expectations. I spoke with one company who was interested in conducting in-store focus groups with a centrally located subject matter expert being broadcast into the store.  The retailer wanted this to be more than just a broadcast experience, they wanted customers to have the ability to provide real time feedback by using store provided or personal smart devices to answer questions and make suggestions.

Another was interested in enhancing the level of assistance provided by associates by equipping them with tablets that not only had access to key product information, but could also process electronic payments and expedite checkout.

Each of these retailers understood the value proposition of a single platform designed to deliver content anytime, anywhere and to any device.  Each understood the positive ROI implications that not only provided customer facing benefits, but could also be used to better train and inform employees as well.  Best of all, each was excited to learn that all of the hardware, software and services could be offered by a single partner and as a managed service. 2014 promises to be a very exciting year for Tempo!

Kevin Lawrence, Sales Manager, Tempo

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